Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Adventures in DaniLand is Moving!

I had to remove Internet Explorer from my computer and am now using Safari. The change was going wonderfully, until I learned that Safari does not support blogger.com. Grrr! I found a way to sneak on, but it's not as efficient and I am unable to add pictures. For a year in South Africa, this simply won't suffice. So it is with a heavy heart that I sign up with a new blog site. However, I like to think of it as a new adventure- a new blog!

I have decided to go with WordPress...because that's the first one google showed me. It also appears to work well. My web address is danilandadventures.wordpress.com Look for my first post in the new year!!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Blizzard 2009

This past weekend I ventured to NYC to meet up with my camp friends who live in the surrounding areas. I got a greyhound (to my utter dismay, Bolt was sold out) first thing Friday morning and arrived in the big city just before noon. I quickly met up (by fate alone) with Kaitlin who had come in from Connecticut. Kaitlin and I wandered (somewhat aimlessly) around Port Authority before we realized we were in the wrong building to meet, Lisa. Thankfully Lisa (being from Jersey City) was so well versed in navigating the big city and we met up soon enough. The three of us trekked to Bay Ridge to meet up with Paula. We would be staying at her place for the night. After dropping our stuff and receiving the grand tour of Paula's "cozy" city apartment, we ventured out in search of food. 

It was a firsts of many for our young Kaitlin so we reveled in introducing her to subway transportation, crowded streets, lots of walking, and of course big city rats! Paula mapped out a number of shops and restaurants for us to try and everything was delicious, fun and unique to her neighborhood. After ending the night with a truly amazing italian meal (complete with dessert!) we waddled back to Paula's to watch Love Actually. This is truly one of my very favorite movies of all time. The actors are wonderful, the stories are touching, and the love is tangible. This movie was also another "first" for Kaitlin to check off her list.

On Saturday (though still seemingly full) we went out for brunch. Continuing with the theme, the food was delicious and the company spectacular. We somehow managed to shove every last bit of food into our expanding tummies before heading back into the cold. Speaking of cold, the impending snow storm was beginning to rear its ugly head. Snow was accumulating, sidewalks were getting slippery and the temperature was dropping. We gathered our things and headed for the trains. Kaitlin would head back to CT, Paula to a party in another part of the city, and Lisa and I would go to her place in JC. 

I said my first real goodbyes in a subway station as Paula and Kaitlin went one way, and Lisa and I the other. I'm not very good at goodbyes. I try to remember that (especially with technology nowadays) I'm never completely out of touch with anyone. Furthermore, I am so grateful to have these people in my life to share my adventures with and come home to..where I know we will pick up right where we left off.

With the snow bearing down relentlessly Lisa and I made a few stops in Times Square and then in JC for storm provisions (which consisted of food and drink). In the comfort and warmth of her home we settled in to brave the storm. I learned that my bus for the following morning was cancelled...as was every bus AFTER that. After many phone calls, weather updates, and texting, I surrendered myself to another day in the big city. Asside from missing work, I wasn't upset about this at all. Lisa is wonderful company and I've developed a fondness for Jersey City and her home. If I was stranded in NYC, I couldn't think of a better place...she also feeds me really well.

Lisa and I watched Elf while we snacked and drank hot chocolate while the "Blizzard of 2009" bore down on us. The weather/news tracking the storm and Will Ferrel kept us plenty entertained. 

The city slowly came back to life on Sunday. The roads were plowed and the sun even came out to check on things every now and then. We spent the morning watching TV, baking, and setting out her christmas decorations (so she's a little behind-don't judge!). The place was looking festive in no time and we decided to venture into the city. I had never been to New York City in the winter and longed to see the tree in all its glory: following a snow storm! Lisa, always accommodating to her guests, led the way. We wandered around the city (dodging massive puddles and slush mounds) stopping here and there to check out the random festivities. The streets were abnormally uncrowded due to the big bad blizzard. How convenient for us! The tree was gorgeous, though not nearly as captivating as you might expect. Still, I got my photo and checked "Rockefeller in winter" off my to-do list.

Afterwards, we met up with Trish for dinner. Trish had just gotten off work and agreed to meet up with us at The Coffee Shop. Again, fabulous food. The Coffee Shop is actually a bar, and a pretty funky one at that. We sat for a while chatting and eating. I was psyched that Trish was willing and able to meet up with us. Since she had been working all weekend (and recently returned from London and Paris!) I hadn't expected to see her. My circle of camp friends are very near and dear to my heart. Since most of them live so far from me, the times I get to see them are cherished. Even though there were countless others that I did not see, I was especially grateful to see the ladies that I did before leaving.

Bound and Rebound

My life is picking up speed at January 7th (and my departure for South Africa) draws near. Preparing for the holidays as kept me considerably busy but I have managed to squeeze in a few adventures this month.

December kicked off with a weekend at my friend Lindsay's in South Salem, CT. I took a bus from Boston to Danbury where Lindsay and her little man picked me up. The rest of the weekend was spent in utter relaxation. We cooked (and subsequently ATE) great food, watched TV, googled just about everything we could think of, laughed pretty much non-stop and entertained her adorable little babe. The weekend was everything I needed it to be. On sunday we drove to New Hampshire together. Lindsay was visiting her parents for the week so we coincided my stay with her visit so she would have company for the long ride. 3+ hours with a baby, tons of equipment and a dog that could easily be mistaken for a dinosaur is no small task. Crammed and chaotic as it was, we had a great time playing car games, eating oreos and counting Christmas Trees on passing cars. We were up to 53 when we reached my house. 

I also made a trip to Hamilton, Mass to stay with Caroline's parents. When they heard of my acceptance of the job in Cape Town they insisted on taking me out for dinner. I took a train to the north shore on Monday the 14th. Mickey, Caroline's mom, picked me up and gave me a brief tour of the gorgeous coast and their cozy, very new england, home. 

We ventured to Singing Beach which gets its name for the squeaky noise the sand makes when you step on it. I was told some time back that this noise has something to do with the sand being derived from glaciers, but I never looked into in any further. This also happens to be the place where Caroline and Nick will be wed in June. One of the "cons" to my taking the job in Cape Town is missing this wedding. I was very grateful to have seen the beach club where the ceremony an reception will take place. 

During my stay, I also visited and explored Rockport, Gloucester, Manchester (by the sea) and countless other adorable beach towns along the north shore. For dinner Trip, Caroline's father, met us in town..with flowers for both Mickey and I. So very sweet! The Hargraves were incredibly generous, hospitable, and share in our enthusiasm and respect for Child Life. It was helpful to hear their perspective on Caroline being away from home for so long. It helped me to understand how my own family might be and may feel during my absence. 

We ended the night with a visit from Nick, Caroline's fiance, and rowdy game of backgammon! They also presented me with a journal, a planner, and a book about a Botswana Safari guide for my trip. So incredibly thoughtful! Staying with the Hargraves added a realness to my adventure and connected me further to Caroline and out mission for Child Life and the hospital. I know it must have helped all of them feel more connected as well. Mickey gave me a card and a gift to present to Caroline upon my arrival. A gesture to hopefully ease their last few months apart before Caroline returns home.

Smaller adventures have included spending time with friends and family. I'm beginning to feel the weight of my trip as I consider saying my goodbyes and begining preparations for departure. In situations like this, you realize how many wonderful people are in your life and how much there support and love influences everything you do. It is these people and their undying love that gives me strength and courage to be so adventurous. They are the base on which I stand and allow me to reach great heights.

A Quote from a Disney Short Film Lindsay and I watched:
"Sometimes your up and sometimes your down. 
When you find that your down, well just look around. 
You still got a body, good legs and fine feet.
Get your head in the right place and, hey, you're complete!

...you can reach great heights. In fact, you can soar.
Just get a leg up and you slap it on down.
You find that you're up in what's called the bound.
Bound, bound, and rebound"